九龍城浸信會幼稚園 新生報名表

注意事項 此表格所提供的個人資料會用作處理幼稚園入學申請之用。申請程序完成後,所有提供的資料將被銷毀。根據個人資料(私人)條例規定,申請人有權要求查閱、更正及更新其個人資料。如有查詢,請與幼稚園聯絡。
家長可以將 $40元報名費 轉帳到中國銀行(香港) 012-875-2-079266-6,再將收據上載到報名表。
Point to Note:Personal data in this form is provided for processing application for kindergarten admission. After completion of the application procedure, all information provided will be disposed of. In accordance with the Personal Data(Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to access, correct and update their own personal data. Please approach the kindergarten for any enquiries.
Parents can transfer the HK$40 registration fee to Bank Of China (HK) 012-875-2-079266-6, and then upload the receipt to the label sheet.

學生資料 Student Information


申請上課時間: Applying for School Time

申請上學班別 : Applying for Class


家長 / 監護人資料 Parent / Guardian’s Particulars


其他資料 Other Information