Course Features
According to the “Guide to Kindergarten Education Curriculum”, children love games, to play with others, cooperate, imitate and other experiences. These can bring them happy, interesting and successful feelings and experiences. Games are the most effective way of learning to match the characteristics of young children’s age development.
In 2017-2018, the kindergarten participated in the “Learning from Free Play” training organized by the Kindergarten School-based Support Section of the Education Bureau, and conducted trials in key classes. This program has been extended to the whole school until 19-20.
Free exploration is one of the most important elements of play, and it is a catalyst for children to learn effectively. It can maintain and enhance their concentration and interest in learning. The kindergarten designs various games based on the curriculum objectives and content, and provides various materials for children to create with. It also makes good use of the classroom’s interest corners, large muscle venues and other facilities to allow children to move freely within the activity area.
Teachers also reduce the amount of rules during free play, so that children can choose a variety of toys, invite playmates and design game play methods according to their own preferences. They are free to use their abilities and life experiences in free play to increase the enjoyment of the game. After the game, the teacher also invites the children to share their experiences and feelings, help them organize and consolidate the new knowledge and skills they have gained, and give them timely and positive feedback.