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Art Course

Isbell & Raines (2004) believes that “children’s best learning is to take the initiative to do meaningful, integrated, and responsive active learning experiences, including visual arts and music. These learning experiences can build brain connections that last a lifetime.” (P. 20-21).

In art education, young children need to use both their hands and brains through hand operations including mixing brushes, applying paste, and tearing. These activities help to improve the coordination of the small muscle groups, improve bain control, train adjustment capabilities and enhance a child’s movement, flexibility and accuracy in the child.

The art course of this kindergarten focuses on children’s creative process and the sharing of feelings. Children can learn the process of thinking through drawing and crafting. The inner thoughts and abstract ideas that can be expressed in paintings can directly stimulate the right brain of children, creating their creative thinking and emotional expression.

In self-selected activities, the teacher will give children imaginative space and provide diversified materials to give them free time to create. In the process, they can create according to their own imagination. This kindergarten also makes good use of children’s works to decorate the school environment so that children can appreciate their own and others’ works. This helps to enhance their appreciation ability, make the school more artistic, increasing children’s interest in creative creation and a sense of belonging to the school.

Rebecca, T., Isbell & Shirley C. Raines “Children’s Creativity and Art”.